Rock Guitar In 6 Weeks - Week 5

"Rock Guitar In 6 Weeks - Week 5" is your gateway to mastering the nuances of rock guitar. This essential course segment delves into advanced playing techniques and musical concepts, guiding you through the complexities of the Major Pentatonic and Blues scales, and offering a glimpse into the expressive prowess of Joe Satriani. Designed for those seeking to deepen their musical expression, this lesson set is a crucial step in your journey towards guitar mastery. This course is taught by Danny Gill.

Course Overview

Major Pentatonic and Blues Scale Patterns #3, #4

Unlock the essence of rock guitar with an in-depth exploration of Major Pentatonic and Blues Scale Patterns #3 and #4. These scales form the foundation of many iconic solos and are pivotal for players looking to convey emotion and energy through their music. Gaining proficiency in these patterns will enhance your ability to navigate the fretboard and craft solos that resonate with the authentic spirit of blues and rock.

Relative Scales

Understanding relative scales is instrumental in broadening your musical expression. This lesson illuminates the relationship between major and minor scales, providing a framework for more intricate improvisations and compositions. Mastering this concept allows for seamless transitions in your playing, adding depth and complexity to your solos.

Harmonizing the Pentatonic Scale

Introduce a new dimension to your playing by harmonizing the Pentatonic scale. This technique, which involves crafting melodies with supportive harmonies, enriches your sound, making it fuller and more captivating. It's an essential skill for those looking to create more layered and engaging musical pieces, both in solo and rhythm guitar work.

Playing With Space

Learn the subtle art of playing with space, a technique that emphasizes the impact of silence in music. This lesson teaches you to use pauses and spacing effectively, enhancing the expressiveness of your playing. By mastering this approach, you can make your solos stand out, demonstrating that sometimes less is indeed more.

3 Licks in the Style of Joe Satriani

Immerse yourself in the innovative world of Joe Satriani with three distinct licks that showcase his unique approach to guitar. These licks are designed to improve your understanding of dynamics, tone, and expressiveness, offering a peek into the techniques that make Satriani a guitar legend. Integrating these licks into your playing will expand your musical vocabulary and inspire your creative endeavors.


"Week 5 of Rock Guitar in 6 Weeks" is a pivotal part of your guitar learning experience, providing you with the tools to more expressively and effectively communicate through your instrument. The techniques taught in this course are carefully chosen to challenge and develop your playing, ensuring you progress towards becoming a more skilled and expressive guitarist.

Guitar Techniques Used in This Lesson

Below are several key guitar techniques featured in this course, along with links for further study:

This list focuses on the techniques most relevant to the lessons, providing a targeted approach to enhance your learning experience.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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