Learn to Play Chuck Berry with LickLibrary

Welcome to LickLibrary's comprehensive guitar course, "Learn to Play Chuck Berry." Lick Library tutor Steve Trovato will take you on an epic musical journey through five iconic songs by Chuck Berry: "Promised Land," "Carol," "Maybellene," "Roll Over Beethoven," and "Johnny B Goode." For all fans of rock and roll and aspiring guitarists, this tutorial will provide an invaluable exploration of Berry's signature guitar techniques and song structures.

About Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry, the pioneer of rock and roll, remains an influential figure in the world of guitar music. Known for his electrifying stage presence and innovative guitar playing, Berry crafted a distinctive musical style that has been emulated by countless musicians. This course is designed to help you understand and incorporate his unique playing style into your own repertoire.

Promised Land

"Promised Land" is a lively and rhythmic tune with a pulsing beat and memorable guitar licks. The song is based on the I-IV-V chord progression, a staple of the blues. The mixolydian scale is at the core of this song, providing that characteristic bluesy-rock feel.

The song's solo builds upon the song's driving rhythm with a mix of rhythmic chord strums and nimble single-note lines. Here you'll learn how to create a seamless integration between rhythm and lead playing, a trademark of Berry's style.


"Carol" offers a rhythmic groove that creates a compelling interplay with the vocals. The song is based primarily on the blues scale, creating an edgy and raw sound.

The solo in "Carol" is a study in tasteful phrasing and effective use of space. You'll be introduced to Berry's use of double-stops and his trademark rapid-fire alternate picking, creating a punchy and rhythmic solo that is both melodic and technically impressive.


In "Maybellene," Berry crafted a complex and intricate guitar part that combines rock and roll with elements of country and blues. This song introduces you to Berry's use of pentatonic scales, both minor and major, and how he seamlessly blends them together.

The solo in "Maybellene" is a masterclass in building tension and release, using techniques such as string bending and vibrato. You'll learn how to build your solos using a combination of scales, arpeggios, and chromaticism, crafting a narrative arc with your solo.

Roll Over Beethoven

"Roll Over Beethoven" is a high-energy rock and roll song that features Berry's innovative approach to rhythm guitar. Here, Berry employs open-string riffs and syncopated rhythms, creating a propulsive and dynamic guitar part.

The solo section of "Roll Over Beethoven" introduces some of Berry's signature lead techniques, including bluesy bends and rapid slides. This song also provides a great opportunity to delve into Berry's innovative use of arpeggiated chord progressions, creating a melodic and dynamic solo.

Johnny B Goode

"Johnny B Goode" is one of Berry's most famous songs, featuring a driving rhythm and an iconic guitar riff. The song uses a blues scale in a major key, providing a bright and upbeat feel.

The guitar solo in "Johnny B Goode" is a masterpiece of rock and roll guitar. It features Berry's signature double-stops and his use of alternate picking, creating a high-energy and memorable solo. This section of the course will teach you how to craft solos that are both rhythmically exciting and melodically satisfying.

Guitar Techniques used in this course

In this course, you'll encounter a range of guitar techniques. Here is a list of the techniques used, along with links to detailed descriptions and tutorials on LickLibrary's website:

"Learn to Play Chuck Berry" with LickLibrary promises to be an immersive and enriching experience. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the foundations of rock and roll guitar, or an experienced player wanting to delve deeper into Chuck Berry's style, this course will deliver valuable insights. Happy playing!

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Steve Trovato

To fans of country music, Steve needs no introduction and as an educator Steve holds a fulltime position in the Studio Jazz Department of Southern California. Steve has had a huge impact on the guitar learning scene with his old country guitar video and his Voodoo Blues series of books...

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