Metal Rhythm Guitar For Absolute Beginners

Dive into the electrifying realm of metal guitar with "Metal Rhythm Guitar For Absolute Beginners," expertly crafted by This course, perfect for beginners, explores essential techniques that are foundational to the sound and essence of metal rhythm guitar. This course is taught by Danny Gill.

Techniques Covered in "Metal Rhythm Guitar for Absolute Beginners"

Palm Muting

Discover palm muting, a vital metal technique where the palm of the picking hand is placed near the bridge, muting the strings to produce a tight, percussive sound, pivotal for metal rhythm.


  • Delivers a more controlled, concise tone.
  • Crucial for executing impactful metal riffs.
  • Boosts rhythmic accuracy and dynamic control.


Learn about diads, two-note chords that, while simpler than full chords, are potent in metal music for their melodic and harmonic clarity.


  • Achieves a richer sound while maintaining clarity.
  • Ideal for fast-paced melodic sequences.
  • Simplifies chord transitions at higher speeds.

Power Chords

Power chords are the essence of metal guitar, using two or three notes to create hard-hitting, forceful riffs.


  • Essential for creating powerful metal riffs.
  • Facilitates easy shifting along the fretboard.
  • Adapts well to various metal subgenres.


Inversions rearrange chord notes, offering a fresh perspective on traditional chords and adding a unique twist to your riffs.


  • Brings a new tonal aspect to standard chords.
  • Enhances the harmonic intrigue in riffs.
  • Useful for producing creative and distinct sounds.


Embrace syncopation to add an energetic, off-beat quality to your playing, a key characteristic of captivating metal music.


  • Introduces complexity and vigor to riffs.
  • Essential for a groovy metal rhythm.
  • Enhances your rhythmic awareness and timing.


Scratching adds a rhythmic, percussive element by dragging the pick over muted strings, enriching the textural quality of your playing.


  • Brings a rhythmic edge to metal riffs.
  • Ideal for dynamic transitions and breaks.
  • Increases the rhythmic intricacy in your music.

Extended Chords

Extended chords add a layer of harmonic complexity and expressiveness to metal rhythm guitar, moving beyond basic major and minor shapes.


  • Deepens harmonic richness in chord progressions.
  • Suitable for atmospheric and emotive sections.
  • Augments musical expressivity and depth.


Gallop rhythms, with their quick, rhythmic pulse, are fundamental for injecting energy and drive into metal tracks.


  • Produces energetic, compelling riffs.
  • Enhances picking speed and endurance.
  • Key to many fast-paced metal styles.


Sextuplets, playing six notes within one beat, offer a high-speed approach for exhilarating solos and rapid riffing.


  • Boosts your technical skill and precision.
  • Perfect for intense, fast guitar sections.
  • Improves synchronization between hands.

Drop D Tuning

Drop D tuning, which involves lowering the sixth string from E to D, facilitates heavier guitar sounds and easier chord playing, especially in contemporary metal.


  • Enables richer, deeper guitar tones.
  • Simplifies chord formations for rapid play.
  • Versatile for various modern metal styles.

Practicing with Backing Tracks

Integrating backing tracks in practice enhances your ability to gel with other instruments, sharpens your sense of timing, and fosters a deeper understanding of musical structure.

Technique List

"Metal Rhythm Guitar For Absolute Beginners" is a comprehensive course that offers a pathway to mastering the art of metal rhythm guitar. Through detailed tutorials and practical exercises, you will gain the skills, creativity, and understanding necessary to excel in metal guitar playing.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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