Learn to Play Michael Schenker - The Solos

Join Lick Library veteran Danny Gill and discover the essential techniques and style of one of the most influential guitarists in rock history with our course "Learn to Play Michael Schenker - The Solos". This course meticulously dissects the guitar solos from five classic songs, showcasing the unique talents of Michael Schenker and offering guitarists a comprehensive guide to mastering his solos.

Michael Schenker, known for his time in Scorpions, UFO, and MSG, has contributed significantly to the evolution of hard rock and heavy metal guitar playing. His virtuosic playing and tasteful compositions have captivated audiences for decades, making him an enduring figure in the genre. This course shines a light on his unique style and approach, offering step-by-step lessons on some of his most iconic solos.

Armed and Ready

"Armed and Ready" is a high-energy, heavy rock track in which Schenker's solo takes center stage. The song is performed in the key of A minor, using the A minor pentatonic and A blues scales. The lesson delves into the raw intensity of Schenker's playing, emphasizing his aggressive vibrato and powerful string bends. We dissect his seamless transitions between fast legato runs and rhythmically precise alternate picking, demonstrating his balanced approach.

Only You Can Rock Me

"Only You Can Rock Me" is a classic rock anthem that features some of Schenker's most memorable guitar work. The solo, which is largely based on the A Major and A Mixolydian scales, blends melodic lines with faster, more intricate licks. This lesson examines Schenker's use of arpeggios in creating soaring melodic ideas. There's a particular focus on his pinched harmonics and trademark unison bends, which give his solos a distinctive, expressive character.

Too Hot to Handle

"Too Hot to Handle" provides an opportunity to explore Schenker's funky, groove-oriented playing. The song is in E minor and uses a variety of scales, including the E minor pentatonic, E Dorian, and E blues scales. In this lesson, we take a closer look at Schenker's clever use of double-stop bends and his impressive mastery of rhythmic techniques, such as syncopated rhythms and palm muting.

Rock Bottom

"Rock Bottom" is a legendary track, largely due to its extended guitar solo. It's in the key of A minor, featuring the A natural minor and A minor pentatonic scales. The lesson focuses on Schenker's use of long, flowing legato lines, interjected with quick, aggressive alternate picking runs. Notable are his use of tapped harmonics and extensive use of vibrato to add color and depth to his playing.

Feels Like a Good Thing

"Feels Like a Good Thing" is a classic hard rock track with a memorable main riff and an incredibly melodic solo. The song is performed in the key of G major, and the solo is built on the G Major and G Mixolydian scales. The lesson explores Schenker's use of harmonics and his uncanny ability to create catchy melodic hooks even within his solos. His use of trills and sustain adds to the expressiveness of his playing.

This course provides an excellent opportunity to learn the intricate details of Michael Schenker's playing. His innovative and expressive guitar work is influential and distinctive, characterized by a perfect blend of melodic sensibility and technical proficiency.

Techniques Used

Finally, below are some of the key guitar techniques you'll be learning and practicing throughout these lessons:

  1. Vibrato
  2. Alternate Picking
  3. Legato
  4. Tapped Harmonics
  5. Double-Stop Bends
  6. Unison Bends
  7. Pinched Harmonics
  8. Trills
  9. Syncopated Rhythms
  10. Palm Muting
  11. Sustain
  12. Arpeggios

Enroll now in "Learn to Play Michael Schenker - The Solos" and begin your journey towards mastering the solos of a true guitar legend!

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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