Quick Licks - Robben Ford: Mastering the Art of Blues and Beyond

"Quick Licks - Robben Ford" is an extensive guitar lesson series by Stuart Bull that is designed for guitarists who aspire to master the sophisticated blues and jazz-infused playing style of the renowned guitarist Robben Ford. This series focuses on key techniques such as blues phrasing, alternate picking, string bending, and vibrato, which are vital to Ford's expressive and nuanced guitar work. Each lesson is structured to not only teach these techniques but also to capture the subtlety and depth of Ford's playing style.

What You Will Learn In This Course

35 killer blues licks in the style of Robben Ford. This course also includes a backing track to play over. The techniques you will learn include:

  • Two Hand Tapping
  • Rock Guitar Soloing
  • String Bending
  • Phrasing

Technique Breakdown

Blues Phrasing: The Language of Emotion

Robben Ford is celebrated for his exceptional blues phrasing, which involves expressing musical ideas and emotions using the blues scale in a conversational and impactful manner. These lessons delve into Ford's approach to blues phrasing, teaching you how to use rhythm, dynamics, and note choice to create solos that speak with the same articulate and emotive voice that Ford is known for. You'll learn to weave together licks and riffs in a way that tells a story, much like a skilled orator.

Alternate Picking: Speed and Precision

Alternate picking is a fundamental technique in Ford's playing, especially in his faster jazz-influenced lines. This series teaches you to develop a reliable and efficient alternate picking technique, crucial for playing faster passages cleanly and with good articulation. You'll learn to alternate between downstrokes and upstrokes seamlessly, enabling you to tackle fast runs with ease and precision.

String Bending: Expressive Nuance

String bending is a technique where Ford excels, using it to add soulful expression to his playing. These lessons guide you through the technique of bending strings, from subtle half-step bends to more dramatic full-step bends. You'll learn to control your bends with precision, using them to add depth and feeling to your solos, mirroring the vocal-like quality that Ford often achieves.

Vibrato: Adding Life to Notes

Vibrato is an essential tool for adding life and sustain to notes. Ford's use of vibrato is subtle yet impactful, characterized by its controlled and musical nature. These lessons focus on developing a controlled vibrato, teaching you how to modulate the speed and width of your vibrato to match the emotional content of the music, much like Ford does in his expressive playing.

Practicing Over a Backing Track: Real-World Application

Practicing these techniques over a backing track is an integral part of this series. This approach helps you understand how these licks and techniques fit within a song, enhancing your timing, rhythm, and improvisational skills. It’s a crucial step in learning how to apply these advanced techniques in real musical scenarios.

Robben Ford’s Guitar Style

Robben Ford's guitar style is a blend of blues, jazz, and rock, marked by its sophistication, fluidity, and expressive depth. Known for his clean, articulate playing and his ability to blend genres seamlessly, Ford’s approach to the guitar has influenced countless musicians. Studying his style provides insights into combining technical skill with musical expression, making it invaluable for guitarists looking to elevate their playing.

The Benefits of Learning These Techniques

By mastering these techniques, you will:

  • Develop a deep understanding of blues phrasing.
  • Enhance your technical skills with alternate picking.
  • Learn to express emotions through string bending.
  • Gain the ability to add life to your notes with controlled vibrato.

Guitar Techniques Used in "Quick Licks - Robben Ford"

Upon completing "Quick Licks - Robben Ford," you will have enhanced your skills in the following techniques:

"Quick Licks - Robben Ford" is an essential course for any guitarist looking to delve into the realm of blues, jazz, and beyond. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, these lessons offer a comprehensive guide to mastering the style of one of the most sophisticated guitarists in modern music.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Stuart Bull

As co-founder of LickLibrary and Total Accuracy, Stuart plays a tremendous part of all the goings on in LickLibrary today. Looking at our entire catalogue, the entire contribution from Stuart is phenomenal and has had an impact on tens of thousands of aspiring guitar players the world over. Stuart's professional...

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