Electric Blues In 6 Weeks - Week 3

Embark on an electrifying journey into blues guitar with "Electric Blues In 6 Weeks - Week 3," a meticulously crafted guitar lesson aimed at broadening your musical horizon and sharpening your techniques. This session zeroes in on the art of mastering the major pentatonic scale, the fusion of different scales for musical depth, the exploration of motion in your solos, the expansion of your phrasing repertoire, mastering the groove with shuffle rhythms, and adopting the legendary Larry Carlton's lick style. Accompanied by a bespoke backing track, this lesson is designed to elevate your improvisation skills and deepen your musical insight, making it an indispensable resource for aspiring blues guitarists. This course is taught by Stuart Bull.

Course Overview

Major Pentatonic

The major pentatonic scale, celebrated for its uplifting and melodious character, is fundamental for guitarists venturing into the blues realm. Mastering this scale not only unlocks a vast array of improvisational opportunities but also lays a robust foundation for scale integration. The advantages of conquering the major pentatonic scale are manifold, including an enriched understanding of melody crafting and a comprehensive toolkit for creating captivating solos.

Combining Scales

This lesson adopts a ground-breaking approach by instructing you on how to amalgamate major, minor pentatonic, and blues scales. This technique amplifies your musical expression, enabling a fluid transition between different emotional states and technical flair. Grasping how to merge these scales empowers you to traverse various musical landscapes, offering a playing style that is both versatile and engaging.

Upward Motion Versus Downward Motion

Delving into the concept of upward and downward motion adds a dynamic layer to your musical expression. This strategy emphasizes the directionality of your melodic lines, influencing the listener's emotional journey and the continuity of your solos. Acquiring this skill boosts your narrative capabilities on the guitar, rendering your solos more captivating and meaningful.

More Phrasing Ideas

At the core of musical expression lies phrasing, and this lesson introduces novel ideas to refine your phrasing technique. By adopting these new phrasing strategies, you'll inject more character and expressiveness into your performance, ensuring each note you strike resonates with purpose and emotion.

Shuffle Rhythm

Integral to blues music is the shuffle rhythm, with its distinctive swing feel that's both infectious and compelling. This lesson equips you to nail the shuffle rhythm, honing your timing and rhythmic precision. Achieving fluency in shuffle rhythm significantly boosts your overall groove, authenticating your blues rendition with vigor and style.

3 Licks in the Style of Larry Carlton

Imitating Larry Carlton's iconic licks offers a unique opportunity to embody the essence of one of the blues greats. Learning these licks not only honors Carlton's legacy but also integrates his sophisticated approach to melody and tonality into your playing. These licks are invaluable for appreciating the fusion of technique with emotion, a signature of Carlton's musical philosophy.

The Advantage of Using a Backing Track

Utilizing a backing track is crucial for any musician's development. It replicates the experience of playing with a live band, allowing you to refine your timing, dynamics, and improvisation in a realistic setting. The backing track provided in this lesson is tailor-made to complement the taught techniques, offering a practical and engaging means to apply your newfound skills and polish them within a contextual framework.

Guitar Techniques Used in All Lessons

Below is a compilation of guitar techniques featured throughout the lessons, accompanied by links for in-depth exploration:

This extensive list ensures that you have access to a broad spectrum of techniques, each contributing significantly to your evolution as a dynamic and expressive blues guitarist. "Electric Blues In 6 Weeks - Week 3" offers invaluable lessons and skills, regardless of your current proficiency level, enhancing your musical voyage.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Stuart Bull

As co-founder of LickLibrary and Total Accuracy, Stuart plays a tremendous part of all the goings on in LickLibrary today. Looking at our entire catalogue, the entire contribution from Stuart is phenomenal and has had an impact on tens of thousands of aspiring guitar players the world over. Stuart's professional...

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