Rock Guitar In 6 Weeks - Week 2

Dive into Week 2 of "Rock Guitar In 6 Weeks," where we further explore the techniques that forge the iconic rock guitar sound. This week is all about deepening your understanding of essential scales, refining your bending techniques, and embracing the style of rock legend Jimmy Page. Here's a breakdown of what we're focusing on in this transformative week. This course is taught by Danny Gill.

Lesson Overview

Minor Pentatonic and Blues Scale Pattern #2

The Minor Pentatonic and Blues Scale are pillars of the rock guitar repertoire, essential for soloing and expressive play. This session introduces Pattern #2 of these scales, expanding your fretboard navigation and enriching your solos with diverse tones and feelings. Mastering this pattern broadens your expressive range and enhances your musical conversations.

Connecting Patterns

Fluidity on the fretboard is key for any guitarist. This lesson aims to bridge different scale patterns, especially focusing on integrating Pattern #2 with those you've already mastered. This skill is crucial for improvisational play, enabling you to move effortlessly across the neck and craft solos with depth and variation.


This week, we delve into sequences within the Minor Pentatonic and Blues scales to bolster speed, agility, and musical expression. Sequences, by their repetitive nature, not only refine your technical skill but also introduce a sophisticated layer to your soloing, making your playing more compelling and intricate.

Pre-bends and Rhythmic Bends

Elevate your expression with advanced bending techniques, including pre-bends and rhythmic bends. Pre-bends, where you bend a string before striking the note, add an element of surprise and emotion to your playing. Rhythmic bends incorporate the bend's motion in sync with the backing rhythm, adding dynamic variation and emotional depth to your performances.

3 Licks in the Style of Jimmy Page

Immerse yourself in the iconic style of Jimmy Page with three distinct licks that capture the essence of rock guitar. These licks are not just exercises in emulation; they teach the subtleties of rock phrasing, timing, and emotional delivery. Learning these will not only expand your lick library but also deepen your understanding of rock guitar's expressive potential.

Benefits to the Viewer

Completing Week 2 enriches your guitar playing with a comprehensive grasp of the Minor Pentatonic and Blues scales, the agility to link patterns fluidly, and the artistry to execute sequences and bends with precision. These skills are indispensable for aspiring rock guitarists, enhancing both your technical prowess and expressive capacity, paving the way for solos that resonate with complexity and feeling.

Guitar Techniques Used in All Lessons

Week 2 of "Rock Guitar In 6 Weeks" promises a deep dive into the skills that define rock guitar. From enhancing your scale knowledge to mastering the art of bending and adopting Jimmy Page's iconic licks, this week is set to propel your playing into new realms of expression and technique. Join us as we continue our journey into the heart of rock guitar mastery!

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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