Learn to Play Fleetwood Mac

Welcome to the "Learn to Play Fleetwood Mac" series. Michael Casswell will dissect and master the iconic tracks from one of the greatest rock bands of all time, Fleetwood Mac. With a focus on the guitar mastery of Lindsey Buckingham, we'll dive deep into five timeless tracks: "Go Your Own Way", "The Chain", "Never Going Back Again", "Big Love", and "Don't Stop".

The Lead Guitarist - Lindsey Buckingham

Before we delve into the songs, it's critical to acknowledge the distinctive style of Lindsey Buckingham. Buckingham, with his unique fingerpicking style and clever use of scales, gave Fleetwood Mac a distinctive sound. His raw energy and technical prowess breathed life into these songs, providing a nuanced soundscape that we'll explore through these lessons.

Go Your Own Way

"Go Your Own Way" is a classic example of Buckingham's skill. The song revolves around open chords and a recurring, distinctive lead guitar melody. It uses a combination of major and minor pentatonic scales. Buckingham introduces a rhythmic variation into the chord progressions, creating a syncopated groove that becomes the song's backbone. The solo is an exemplary display of controlled string bending and rapid alternate picking, giving it a biting, expressive quality.

The Chain

"The Chain" is a musical journey, starting with a haunting arpeggiated chord progression that is built around the E minor scale. The song features a unique guitar riff employing a mix of palm muting and alternate picking. The solo displays Buckingham's mastery of legato and double stops, resulting in a fluid, melodious lead.

Never Going Back Again

"Never Going Back Again" is a showcase of Buckingham's intricate fingerpicking techniques. Using a capo on the 6th fret, it presents a series of complex, syncopated rhythms. This piece is rich with techniques such as hammer-ons, pull-offs, and slides, providing a masterclass in acoustic guitar playing.

Big Love

"Big Love" is a truly singular piece. An entire sonic landscape is built with just one guitar. Buckingham employs a Travis picking pattern, combined with a unique use of harmonics and tapped harmonics. The song is primarily in the key of F# minor and the solo showcases chromaticism and a commanding sense of sustain.

Don't Stop

"Don't Stop" features the classic rock 'n' roll shuffle rhythm and employs power chords and barre chords effectively. The song is in the key of E major and incorporates a lively guitar solo, with an emphasis on string bending and vibrato. It's an excellent practice piece for timing and rhythmic feel.

Summary of Techniques Used in Lessons

Throughout these lessons, we've examined a variety of guitar techniques and approaches that make Lindsey Buckingham a unique and influential guitarist. Here's a list of all the techniques used, each accompanied by a link to our in-depth glossary for further study:

Embracing these techniques will enable you to channel the essence of Fleetwood Mac into your guitar playing. The "Learn to Play Fleetwood Mac" series is an enriching experience, inviting you to dive deep into the intricate, layered guitar work of one of the great rock bands. Happy practicing!

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Michael Casswell

It is with great sadness that we post the news of Michael Casswell's tragic death in a swimming accident while on holiday in Spain. All of us at Licklibrary are shocked and saddened by MIke's passing, and our deepest sympathies go out to his family at this difficult time. Michael...

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