Learn to Play Trivium with LickLibrary

Unleash your inner metalhead with our product "Learn to Play Trivium," a comprehensive series of lessons by Andy James, aimed at dissecting and teaching the intricate guitarwork seen in Trivium's discography. Perfect for guitarists of all levels, this course captures the band's essence through the in-depth analysis of five iconic songs: 'Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr,' 'Dying In Your Arms,' 'A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation,' 'Down From the Sky,' and 'Into the Mouth of Hell We March.'

Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr

The guitar work in this song is iconic in the world of metalcore. Trivium's lead guitarist, Corey Beaulieu, combines the E minor and Dorian scales to create a perfect balance between melodic beauty and heavy crunch. Particularly notable is the solo section which showcases Beaulieu's masterful control over the harmonic minor scale. From sweeping arpeggios to rapid alternate picking, this song is a thrilling challenge for any budding metal guitarist.

Dying In Your Arms

A perfect blend of melody and aggression, 'Dying In Your Arms' offers guitarists an opportunity to explore melodic minor scales and intriguing chord progressions. The song shifts between heavy palm-muted riffs and clean, melodic sections that provide an emotionally charged backdrop for the lyrics. The guitar solo, full of bends, slides, and harmonics, is a testament to Beaulieu's dynamic playstyle.

A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation

This song presents a different approach, combining heavy syncopated rhythms and chromaticism to create a relentless, energetic soundscape. The use of the Phrygian dominant scale adds an exotic flavor, while the solo demonstrates a deep understanding of musical tension and release through well-placed bends and vibrato.

Down From the Sky

Arguably one of Trivium's best-known tracks, 'Down From the Sky,' is characterized by its galloping rhythms and power chord riffs. The combination of natural and tapped harmonics in the main riff is masterfully executed, adding an eerie quality to the melody. The song's solo section is a treasure trove of techniques, including two-handed tapping and sweep picking, all over a framework of harmonic minor scales.

Into the Mouth of Hell We March

'Into the Mouth of Hell We March' is a testament to Beaulieu's dexterity and creative genius. It features a complex mix of alternate and tremolo picking techniques, layered over a foundation of the E minor and Dorian scales. The solo is a lesson in control, with meticulously executed legato lines, pinched harmonics, and double stops.

Lead Guitarist: Corey Beaulieu

Beaulieu's contribution to Trivium's sound cannot be understated. His ability to blend heavy, aggressive riffs with clean, melodic passages creates a signature sound that is both intense and emotionally resonant. Beaulieu's solos, often based on harmonic minor scales, are filled with intricate techniques, from lightning-fast alternate picking to soulful vibrato. His creativity and technical prowess are an inspiration to guitarists everywhere.

Techniques Used in This Course

Throughout the 'Learn to Play Trivium' course, you'll have a chance to learn and apply a vast array of guitar techniques. These include:

Whether you're an experienced shredder or a beginner with a love for metal, 'Learn to Play Trivium' is designed to elevate your playing and help you gain a deeper understanding of Trivium's unique style and sound. Happy shredding!

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Andy James

Andy James needs little introduction as one of the most popular LickLibrary tutors, respected the world over for his unbelievable technical skills and teaching material. "As a player Andy has released a string of solo albums, the last being 2012's ""Andy James"" on Transcend Music which was met with huge...

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