Nick Jennison - The Ultimate Guide to Melody and Phrasing

Nick Jennison's "The Ultimate Guide to Melody and Phrasing" offers an immersive and comprehensive guitar lesson experience tailored to elevate your melodic and phrasing skills. This product is designed for guitarists of all levels who wish to deepen their understanding of note choice, intervals, stylistic elements, blues and rock rationale, and detailed analysis of these styles. Each section is crafted to provide practical knowledge and hands-on techniques, ensuring that learners not only grasp the concepts but also apply them effectively in their playing. The inclusion of performances by the tutor, Nick Jennison, adds a valuable layer of context, showcasing how these techniques come alive in real musical settings.

Note Choice

Understanding note choice is fundamental to crafting compelling melodies. Nick Jennison delves into the principles of selecting the right notes to fit various musical contexts. By learning how to choose notes thoughtfully, guitarists can create more emotive and engaging solos. This lesson helps players develop a keen ear for harmony and melody, making their improvisations and compositions more memorable.


Intervals are the building blocks of melody and harmony. In this section, Nick covers how different intervals can evoke specific emotions and add depth to your music. Mastering intervals enables guitarists to construct solos and riffs that are not only technically proficient but also rich in expressive power. This understanding is crucial for creating musical tension and resolution, which are key elements in captivating performances.

Stylistic Elements

Exploring various stylistic elements allows guitarists to expand their repertoire and adaptability. Nick Jennison's lessons cover a range of styles, helping players incorporate diverse techniques into their playing. This versatility is beneficial for musicians looking to play in different genres or add unique flavors to their personal style.

Blues Rationale

Blues rationale focuses on the theory and practice behind blues music. Nick explains the emotional and structural components that define the blues. By understanding blues rationale, guitarists can tap into the soulful and expressive potential of blues music, enhancing their ability to convey emotion through their playing.

Rock Rationale

Rock rationale breaks down the elements that make rock music powerful and dynamic. Nick covers essential rock techniques and the theory behind them, helping guitarists understand what makes a rock solo or riff impactful. This knowledge is vital for players aiming to capture the energy and attitude of rock music in their performances.

Minor Blues Rationale

Minor blues rationale combines the emotional depth of minor scales with the expressive qualities of blues. Nick's lessons on this topic teach guitarists how to navigate the minor blues scale and create solos that are both poignant and powerful. Understanding minor blues rationale adds a new dimension to a player's improvisational toolkit.

Blues Analysis

Blues analysis involves breaking down famous blues solos and songs to understand their construction. Nick Jennison dissects classic blues pieces, revealing the techniques and thought processes behind them. This analytical approach helps guitarists see how theoretical concepts are applied in real music, enhancing their ability to learn and innovate.

Rock Analysis

Rock analysis provides a detailed examination of iconic rock solos and riffs. Nick explains the techniques used by legendary rock guitarists and how these can be applied in your playing. This insight is invaluable for aspiring rock guitarists looking to emulate and build upon the styles of their heroes.

Minor Blues Analysis

Minor blues analysis takes a deep dive into minor blues solos, exploring their emotional and technical aspects. Nick's detailed breakdowns help guitarists understand how minor blues solos are crafted, offering guidance on how to incorporate similar techniques into their own playing.

Performance Context

Seeing techniques in a performance context is crucial for understanding their practical application. Nick Jennison includes performances in these lessons to demonstrate how each technique can be seamlessly integrated into live playing. Watching a skilled guitarist apply these methods in real-time provides learners with a clear model to follow, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Guitar Techniques Covered

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Nick Jennison

I’m Nick Jennison, a guitarist, vocalist, producer and educator from the North East of England. It’s pretty cold up here, which seems like the perfect excuse to stay inside and make a bunch of great guitar-related videos for your viewing pleasure. I’ll be covering topics from technique, tone and musicality,...

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