Master Two Handed Tapping Techniques with "51 Two Handed Tapping Licks" by Danny Gill

Are you ready to elevate your guitar skills to the next level? Dive into the world of two-handed tapping with "51 Two Handed Tapping Licks" by Danny Gill, available exclusively on This comprehensive course is designed to help guitarists of all levels master the art of two-handed tapping, a technique popularised by legendary players like Eddie Van Halen and Steve Vai.

Unlocking the Power of Two Handed Tapping

Two-handed tapping is a technique where the guitarist uses both hands on the fretboard to create intricate melodies and lightning-fast runs. Unlike traditional playing styles, which primarily utilise the picking hand for fretting notes, two-handed tapping adds a new dimension to your playing by incorporating the fingers of both hands to produce unique sounds and patterns.

Benefits of Learning Two Handed Tapping

  1. Speed and Fluidity: By employing both hands, you can achieve blistering speeds and seamless transitions between notes, allowing you to play complex passages with ease.
  2. Expanded Range: Two-handed tapping enables you to reach notes and intervals that may be difficult to attain with conventional techniques, giving you greater flexibility in your playing.
  3. Expressiveness: With practice, you can develop a wide range of dynamics and articulations, adding depth and emotion to your playing.
  4. Creative Exploration: This technique opens up endless possibilities for experimentation, empowering you to create your own unique sounds and compositions.

Experience the Techniques in Action

One of the highlights of "51 Two Handed Tapping Licks" is the inclusion of performances by the tutor, Danny Gill. Watching these demonstrations provides invaluable insight into how the techniques are applied in a musical context. As you observe Danny's expert execution and attention to detail, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how to incorporate two-handed tapping into your own playing style. Whether you're a visual learner or simply looking for inspiration, these performances offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

Explore the Techniques

In "51 Two Handed Tapping Licks," Danny Gill covers a wide range of techniques to help you master two-handed tapping. Here's a breakdown of some of the key techniques featured in this course:

  • Two Handed Tapping: The foundation of the course, teaching you how to tap notes with both hands to create fast and fluid passages.
  • Vibrato: Adding subtle vibrato to tapped notes for enhanced expressiveness.
  • Pull-offs: Utilising pull-offs to create smooth transitions between tapped and fretted notes.
  • Hammer-ons: Incorporating hammer-ons to build speed and dexterity in your tapping sequences.
  • Legato: Emphasising smooth, connected phrasing for a seamless sound.
  • Tapped Harmonics: Discovering how to produce harmonic overtones using tapping techniques.
  • Arpeggios: Implementing arpeggios to create rich, harmonic textures in your playing.

Elevate Your Playing Today

Whether you're a beginner looking to expand your repertoire or an experienced guitarist seeking to refine your skills, "51 Two Handed Tapping Licks" offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. With Danny Gill as your guide, you'll unlock the secrets of two-handed tapping and take your playing to new heights. Don't miss out on this opportunity to master one of the most exciting techniques in the guitarist's arsenal.

Technique List

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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