Guitar Aerobics Intermediate: Boost Your Playing Technique

Enhance your guitar skills with our specially tailored "Guitar Aerobics Intermediate" course available exclusively at This course from Danny Gill is perfect for intermediate guitarists aiming to refine their technical ability and expressive depth. With detailed lessons on crucial techniques such as scales, bending, sequences, picking exercises, and stretches, this program is crafted to build your capabilities and deepen your musical understanding.


Our course extensively covers a variety of scales, including major, minor, and several exotic modes. Gaining proficiency in these scales is essential for improving your understanding of the fretboard, enhancing your improvisational skills, and fluidly navigating through complex chord changes. Mastering scales empowers you to craft solos that are both intricate and emotive, elevating your overall musicianship.


Bending is a pivotal technique for injecting emotion and variation into your play. "Guitar Aerobics Intermediate" explores different bending styles, from the classic bend to unison and pre-bends. Developing this technique will give your solos a more vocal-like, expressive quality that captivates listeners.


Our course emphasizes the importance of sequences in building finger agility and precision. We introduce a range of sequence patterns that challenge you to elevate your playing. Regular practice of these sequences boosts your accuracy and speed, enabling you to perform complex runs and licks flawlessly.

Picking Exercises

To advance your picking skills, our course includes exercises in alternate picking, sweep picking, and hybrid picking. These drills are designed to enhance the efficiency and speed of your picking hand, helping you tackle fast passages and complex rhythms with greater ease.


"Guitar Aerobics Intermediate" also focuses on stretches specifically designed for guitarists to prevent injuries and improve endurance. These exercises are crucial for maintaining the flexibility and strength needed to perform advanced guitar techniques.

Each lesson is equipped with high-definition video content, thorough breakdowns, and practical tips to maximize your learning experience. By concentrating on these foundational techniques, you will not only refine your playing skills but also develop a richer, more dynamic approach to guitar playing.

List of Guitar Techniques

Here is a list of specific guitar techniques incorporated into our lessons. Each technique is linked to a detailed glossary page that provides further insights and mastering tips:

Completing this course will leave you with a solid arsenal of techniques that will enable you to express your musical ideas more fully. Whether your goals include enhancing your solo performances, enriching your rhythm playing, or broadening your musical expression, "Guitar Aerobics Intermediate" is your gateway to guitar excellence. Join us at and begin your journey to becoming a more skilled guitarist today!

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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