Learn to Play David Gilmour with LickLibrary

Guitar enthusiasts, welcome to an epic exploration of the distinctive guitar style of David Gilmour, an iconic figure in rock music. This David Gilmour lesson series is taught by Jamie Humphries. Our comprehensive course, Learn to Play David Gilmour, offers note-for-note lessons on some of Gilmour's most celebrated works: "5 A.M.," "Marooned," "Raise My Rent," "Mihalis," "On An Island," and "Take a Breath." Let's get into the beautiful blend of melody, emotion, and technique that Gilmour offers.

David Gilmour – The Lead Guitarist

David Gilmour's influence on the guitar world is immeasurable. He is widely known as the voice and guitar behind Pink Floyd, contributing to the band's unique and timeless sound with his creative songwriting and innovative guitar work. His style, characterized by soaring solos, emotion-evoking bends, and meticulously crafted melodies, has been a touchstone for countless guitarists.

Gilmour's mastery over a range of techniques, scales, and chord progressions lends a unique richness to his playing, making his style a valuable study for any guitarist looking to deepen their understanding of the instrument.

5 A.M.

"5 A.M." is a deeply emotive piece, characterized by Gilmour's tasteful use of the E minor pentatonic scale. It begins with a melancholic melody, beautifully highlighting Gilmour's talent for expressive bends and vibratos. The solo analysis shows the piece's moderate tempo providing room for dynamic note articulation and phrase shaping, which can be approached by using techniques like legato and slides.


"Marooned" is a true gem in Gilmour's discography, showcasing his ability to create atmospheric soundscapes. The song is set in the key of E minor and utilizes a blend of natural and harmonic minor scales. The main solo weaves a haunting melody, laden with delay effects and dive bombs to create a spacey, floating feel. The guitar solo analysis of "Marooned" will guide you through Gilmour's unique blend of rhythm and lead playing, pushing the boundaries of typical chord progressions.

Raise My Rent

"Raise My Rent" is a testament to Gilmour's exceptional musicality and knowledge of scales. The track utilizes the D Major and D Mixolydian scales, adding a bright and uplifting feel. The breakdown of the song reveals intricate lead guitar work, including masterful string bending and tasteful use of hammer-ons and pull-offs. This lesson offers an invaluable study of how to incorporate these techniques into your own improvisation.


"Mihalis" stands as an excellent representation of Gilmour's love for experimentation. Primarily revolving around the D Dorian scale, the song exhibits Gilmour's application of syncopated rhythms and octave melodies. The solo analysis unpacks the use of delay and modulation effects to create rich textures and layers. "Mihalis" also incorporates alternate picking and tapped harmonics to accentuate the rhythm, making it a must-learn for any aspiring rock guitarist.

On An Island

"On An Island" is Gilmour at his bluesy best, using the G Major pentatonic and G Major scales. The song displays Gilmour's mastery over open-string riffs and bluesy bends. The solo analysis dissects the emotive, echoing solo, offering a lesson in maintaining musicality while executing challenging techniques. Learning this song will help students understand the incorporation of space and dynamics in lead guitar playing.

Take a Breath

"Take a Breath" showcases Gilmour's capacity to create an enormous sound landscape. Centered around the A Dorian scale, this track teaches students about galloping rhythms and arpeggiated chord progressions. The solo employs a range of techniques, including power chords and sustain, resulting in a powerful and intense sound. The song offers a rich learning experience, helping students gain a deeper understanding of Gilmour's complex guitar layering and harmonic structure.

"Learn to Play David Gilmour" is more than a series of guitar lessons. It's a deep dive into the mind and music of a rock legend. Through studying Gilmour's techniques, scales, and songwriting, students will gain not only a new repertoire of songs but also a new perspective on guitar playing and music making. Happy playing!

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Jamie Humphries

Jamie is one of the mainstays of LickLibrary, having a stream of hugely successful best selling DVDs, Jamie is best known as Brian May's sideman who he's played shows with all over the world. Aside from this Jamie is a hugely popular clinician working all over the world with Ernie...

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