Learn To Play Simple Solos Volume 2: Mastering Classic Guitar Solos

Are you an aspiring guitarist looking to expand your repertoire and learn iconic guitar solos note for note? Look no further than "Learn To Play Simple Solos Volume 2" from Licklibrarys very own Danny Gill. In this comprehensive guitar lesson package, you'll dive into the captivating world of classic guitar solos, dissecting and mastering the techniques used in legendary songs. This volume features solos from timeless tracks like "The Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix, "Runnin' With the Devil" by Van Halen, "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC, "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica, "Johnny B Goode" by Chuck Berry, "Come as you Are" by Nirvana, "Detroit Rock City" by Kiss, and "Hey Joe" by Jimi Hendrix. Let's explore the intricate details of each song, the guitar scales employed, and the profound influence of the lead guitarists.

Song Descriptions and Analysis

1. "The Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix

"The Wind Cries Mary" showcases Jimi Hendrix's unparalleled creativity and soulful playing style. The solo in this song revolves around the key of A minor and incorporates elements of blues and rock. Hendrix's masterful use of bends, vibrato, and slides contributes to the expressive and emotive nature of this iconic solo.

Guitar scales used: A Minor Pentatonic

2. "Runnin' With the Devil" by Van Halen

Eddie Van Halen's solo in "Runnin' With the Devil" epitomizes his virtuosity and innovative approach to guitar playing. This solo revolves around the key of E and combines elements of rock and blues. Van Halen's use of alternate picking, legato techniques, and tapped harmonics creates a distinctive and high-energy solo that perfectly complements the song's dynamic rhythm.

Guitar scales used: E Blues Scale

3. "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC

Angus Young's solo in "Highway to Hell" is a prime example of his iconic blues-rock style. The solo revolves around the key of A major and features powerful riffs and melodic phrases. Young's signature guitar techniques, such as double-stop bends and unison bends, give this solo its distinctive AC/DC sound.

Guitar scales used: A Major Pentatonic

4. "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica

The solo in "Nothing Else Matters" showcases the melodic side of Metallica's James Hetfield. Rooted in the key of E minor, this solo is characterised by Hetfield's emotive phrasing and use of arpeggios. By combining techniques like vibrato, bends, and legato, Hetfield creates a beautiful and memorable solo that perfectly complements the song's introspective atmosphere.

Guitar scales used: E Natural Minor

5. "Johnny B Goode" by Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry's "Johnny B Goode" is a timeless rock 'n' roll classic, known for its infectious guitar solo. Rooted in the key of Bb, this solo demonstrates Berry's innovative use of bluesy bends, double stops, and slides. By incorporating rhythmic variations and syncopated rhythms, Berry's solo exudes energy and excitement.

Guitar scales used: Bb Major Pentatonic

6. "Come as You Are" by Nirvana

The solo in "Come as You Are" by Nirvana, performed by the late Kurt Cobain, showcases his raw and melodic approach to guitar playing. Rooted in the key of E minor, Cobain's solo features haunting melodies and minimalist techniques. By utilizing a combination of bends, slides, and vibrato, Cobain creates a solo that perfectly complements the song's introspective and moody atmosphere.

Guitar scales used: E Natural Minor

7. "Detroit Rock City" by Kiss

"Detroit Rock City" by Kiss features a blistering solo from lead guitarist Ace Frehley. Rooted in the key of G minor, this solo embodies Frehley's energetic and powerful playing style. Frehley's use of power chords, palm muting, and whammy bar tricks adds a gritty and aggressive edge to the solo, making it a standout in rock history.

Guitar scales used: G Minor Pentatonic

8. "Hey Joe" by Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix's "Hey Joe" captivates listeners with its soulful and expressive guitar work. Rooted in the key of E, the solo showcases Hendrix's innovative use of bends, vibrato, and slides. Hendrix's ability to combine melodic phrases with bluesy bends and octave melodies creates a solo that is both technically impressive and emotionally charged.

Guitar scales used: E Major Pentatonic

Lead Guitarists and Their Contributions

  1. Jimi Hendrix: A true guitar legend, Jimi Hendrix revolutionized the world of guitar playing with his unparalleled creativity and technical prowess. Known for his innovative use of feedback, bends, and experimental techniques, Hendrix's contributions to songs like "The Wind Cries Mary" and "Hey Joe" have left an indelible mark on rock music.
  2. Eddie Van Halen: Eddie Van Halen was a groundbreaking guitarist who pushed the boundaries of rock guitar playing. His explosive solos, as heard in "Runnin' With the Devil," showcased his unparalleled speed, precision, and innovative use of techniques like tapping and harmonics. Van Halen's influence on rock guitarists cannot be overstated.
  3. Angus Young: As the lead guitarist of AC/DC, Angus Young is known for his electrifying stage presence and iconic guitar solos. Young's contributions to songs like "Highway to Hell" feature his signature blues-infused playing style, characterized by aggressive bends, lightning-fast licks, and high-energy performances.
  4. James Hetfield: Better known as the rhythm guitarist of Metallica, James Hetfield played the solo on 'Nothing Else Matters'. Hetfield's solo in the song showcases his ability to balance emotion and technique, combining arpeggios, bends, and legato runs to create a captivating and memorable solo.
  5. Chuck Berry: Considered one of the pioneers of rock 'n' roll, Chuck Berry's guitar playing has had a profound influence on generations of guitarists. With his signature blend of blues and country influences, Berry's solos in songs like "Johnny B Goode" feature his energetic and vibrant guitar style, characterized by flashy bends, double stops, and rhythmic variations.
  6. Kurt Cobain: Kurt Cobain, the frontman of Nirvana, may not have been known for technical guitar wizardry, but his unique playing style and songwriting prowess left an indelible impact on the music world. Cobain's solo in "Come as You Are" showcases his ability to create haunting melodies and evoke emotions through minimalist yet effective guitar work.
  7. Ace Frehley: As a founding member of Kiss, Ace Frehley's guitar playing helped define the band's signature sound. Frehley's solos in songs like "Detroit Rock City" are characterized by his aggressive and energetic approach, featuring power chords, palm muting, and whammy bar tricks that add a distinct flavor to Kiss's music.

"Learn To Play Simple Solos Volume 2" is a comprehensive package that will guide you through mastering these classic guitar solos, helping you develop essential techniques and gain a deeper understanding of the guitar styles and contributions of legendary lead guitarists. Embrace the challenge, unlock your potential, and elevate your guitar playing to new heights. Start your journey today at Licklibrary.com.

Guitar Techniques Covered

Throughout "Learn To Play Simple Solos Volume 2," you will encounter a wide range of guitar techniques used by the featured lead guitarists. These techniques include:

Each technique adds depth and variety to the solos and expands your repertoire as a guitarist.

About The Tutor

Tutor Profile

Danny Gill

Danny Gill is, without a doubt, the most loved tutor by our community. With an incredible array of DVDs and web lessons for LickLibrary covering a wide variety of topics all of which he covers with incredible detail, it's no wonder he carries as much respect as he does. As...

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